Eco Hub at Lordship Recreation Ground, Haringey, London

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The new Eco-Hub is the centrepiece of the regeneration and transformation of the historic Lordship Recreation Ground, and has been designed to exemplary sustainable standards. Commissioned by Haringey Council and funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund Parks for People programme, Big Lottery and the Greater London Authority. It will provide teaching space for environmental education, a multi-purpose community space for community organisations including the Lordship Rec mother and toddler group, a public cafe near the playground and the lake, with kitchen and public WCs, and a boot room for Park volunteers. From the outset, detailed consultation with Friends of Lordship Rec, local user groups, environmental education teachers and officers at LB Haringey, helped develop a pragmatic building brief and set out the core aims of community involvement and a truly sustainable building design for the Eco-Hub. Local people joined the construction team to build the strawbale walls.
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Eco Hub at Lordship Recreation Ground, Haringey, London : Project images

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CO2 emissionsPrimary energy requirement
Energy target
AECB Silver

Energy and fuel use

Fuel use by type
Primary energy requirement
CO2 emissions

Measured data from renewable generation is not yet available.

Fuel use

Electricity use - 6628 kWh/yr 9734 kWh/yr
Natural gas use- 18471 kWh/yr 461 kWh/yr
Oil use- - -
LPG use- - -
Wood use- - -
Other Fuel - - -
Primary energy requirement - 127 kWh/m².yr 83 kWh/m².yr
Annual CO₂ emissions - 26 kg CO₂/m².yr 20 kg CO₂/m².yr
Annual space heat demand - 28 kWh/m².yr -

Renewable energy

Electricity generationForecastMeasured
Other Renewables Tech--
Electricity consumed by generation --
Primary energy requirement
offset by renewable generation
127 kWh/m².yr 83 kWh/m².yr
Annual CO₂ emissions
offset by renewable generation
26 kg CO₂/m².yr 20 kg CO₂/m².yr

Calculation and targets

Whole house energy calculation method PHPP
Other whole house calculation method-
Energy target AECB Silver
Other energy targets-
Forecast heating load 15 W/m² demand


Pre-development air permeability test--
Final air permeability test19 July 20121.06m³/m².hr @ 50 Pascals

Project description

Start date11 July 2011
Occupation date01 November 2012
Location Haringey, London London  England
Build typeNew build
Building sectorPublic
Property typeDetached
Construction typeOther
Other construction typeStraw bales
Party wall construction
Floor area 298.45
Floor area calculation method Treated Floor Area (PHPP)
Building certification  AECB silver standard certified building AECB silver standard certified building

Project Team

OrganisationAnne Thorne Architects LLP
Project lead personNPS South East Ltd.
Landlord or ClientLondon Borough of Haringey
ArchitectAnne Thorne Architects LLP
Mechanical & electrical consultant NPS London Ltd.
Energy consultantAnne Thorne Architects LLP
Structural engineerNPS London Ltd.
Quantity surveyorNPS London Ltd.
ConsultantStraw Works
ContractorVinci Construction UK Ltd

Design strategies

Planned occupancyMax. 50 people, 9 am to evening use.
Space heating strategyTop-Up heating by hot water radiator. Heat recovery ventilation.
Water heating strategyGas condensing boiler. Remote electric heater.
Fuel strategyMains Gas. Mains electricity.
Renewable energy strategyPV-136 13 sqm 0.816 kWp
Passive Solar strategyOptimised windows facing South
Space cooling strategyNatural cross ventilation.
Daylighting strategyMulti-direction intake where possible. High level windows at Atrium.
Ventilation strategyNatural ventilation and automated MVHR
Airtightness strategy * Airtight membrane under roof structure sealed to inside of clay plaster on external strawbale wall. Clay plaster finished to provide continuous air barrier. * Suspended floor air barrier sealed direct to clay plaster on strawbale wall.
Strategy for minimising thermal bridges Continuous insulation maintained throughout.
Modelling strategyPHPP
Insulation strategy* Raised Floor U-Value=0.10 W/(m2K)15mm Wood fibre bitumen impregnated insulation board + 360mm Cellulose fibre insulation between I-joists + 18mm OSB board + 50mm Woodfibre insulation butt + Solid Oak flooring * External Wall U-Value=0.11 W/(m2K) 30mm Internal clay plaster + 450mm strawbale + 30mm external lime render * Main flat roof U-Value=0.06 W/(m2K) 325-550mm Cellulose fibre insulation between I-joists / firrings +18mm OSB deck + vapour control layer + 160mm PIR insulation board + waterproof membrane + green roof sedum blanket
Other relevant retrofit strategies
Contextual information

Building services

Occupancy50 people
Space heatingGas boiler is Worcester Si30 GreenstarOptimum start time controls and a programmable main thermostat. there are 4 radiators, one in each main zone each with thermostatic radiator valves fitted. There is no weather compensation.
Hot waterWorcester Si30 Greenstar for main. Remote electric heater to 2 sinks in rooms.
Ventilation4 units of Drexel und Weiss Aerobusiness
ControlsMotion and humidity sensor - if the sensor detects moving, or humidity is high, the unit starts at Level 2. Humidity is lower than 30%, the unit slows down to level 1. No detection for 30 minutes - the unit stops. (Level 0) Every 2 hours the unit runs 15 minutes to enable the minimum needed air exhaust at Level 1. This function is active until next motion is detected.
CookingGas cooker
LightingLighting levels are as for a school, 300 lux generally with 500 lux in the office and kitchen.
AppliancesTenant supply
Renewable energy generation systemKalzip Uni-solar Power Bond PVL-136 13 sqm 0.816 kWp
Strategy for minimising thermal bridges

Building construction

Storeys 1
Volume 1632
Thermal fabric area 1113
Roof description 325-550mm Cellulose fibre insulation between I-joists / firrings +18mm OSB deck + vapour control layer + 160mm PIR insulation board + waterproof membrane + green roof sedum blanket. (High level pitched roof: 50mm Woodfibre board + 300mm Cellulose fibre insulation between I-joists + 18mm OSB board + metal sheet roofing U-Value=0.12 W/(m2K))
Roof U-value 0.06 W/m² K
Walls description 30mm Internal clay plaster + 450mm strawbale + 30mm external lime render (Atrium wall:3-5mm Skim clay plaste + 25mm clayplaster board + 245mm Cellulose fibre insulation between timber studs +9mm OSB board +80mm PIR insulation board + Oak timber cladding U-Value=0.11 W/(m2K))
Walls U-value 0.11 W/m² K
Party walls description
Party walls U-value -
Floor description 15mm Wood fibre bitumen impregnated insulation board + 360mm Cellulose fibre insulation between I-joists + 18mm OSB board + 50mm Woodfibre insulation butt + Solid Oak flooring
Floor U-value 0.10 W/m² K
Glazed doors description Green Building Store
Glazed doors U-value - uninstalled
Opaque doors description
Opaque doors U-value 0.93 W/m² K installed
Windows description Green Building Store EcopassivUg-Value=0.58 44 mm (4lowe/16/4/16/4lowe)Ug-Value=0.61 46.4 mm(6.4lam/16/4tgh/16/4tgh)
Windows U-value 0.75 W/m² K installed
Windows energy transmittance (G-value) 58 %
Windows light transmittance -
Rooflights description na
Rooflights light transmittance -
Rooflights U-value -

Eco Hub at Lordship Recreation Ground, Haringey, London : Download Files